
In the graph above you can see the price chart of NANO. You can zoom in or out if you want to see a specific period in more detail. With NANO it's mostly zooming in, as it is a fairly young coin. The graph will show the selected period and the highest and lowest point during that period.

24 hrs. Ago


The value of Nano 24 hours ago

24 hrs. High


The highest value of nano over the past 24 hours

24 hrs. Low


The lowest value of nano over the past 24 hours

24 hrs. Change


Here you can see how much the value of nano has increased or decreased over the past 24 hours.

24 hrs. Volume


The amount of nano transactions over the past 24 hours in euros. Only public exchanges are taken into account here.

NANO Market Cap


The value of all nano on the market combined. This number is calculated by multiplying the number of nano in circulation with its current value.

Circulating Supply


Circulating Supply

NANO Dominance


The share of nano in the cryptocurrency market compared to all other coins

In the table below you can see the Return On Investment for NANO. The percentages show the yield on an investment in NANO.




1 week

1 month

1 year

Looking for the historical price of NANO on a certain date? These you can find below.

Historical NANO price

NANO is a coin that is completely focussed on digitalising payment traffic. The innovation has some strong advantages, like no transaction costs unlike with Bitcoin and Ethereum. The coin is also less energy consuming than the other two. The reason being that there is no need to mine NANO coins.

The NANO price is constantly changing. Unlinke stock exchanges, the crypto market is moving every second of every day. 

Highlights of NANO

  • On July 16 2017 NANO was trading for a mere €0,022.
  • Slowly the price crept upwards. Begin November 2017 the coin was already trading at €0,085.
  • Then the coin really catches on. Not even two months later and the NANO price records €28,22. Till today the highest price NANO has ever traded at.
  • A year later, January 2019, little is left of this insane growth. NANO is trading at €0,74, but the coin recovered well and on April 24 2019 the coin was trading at €1,63 again.
  • The Coronacrisis hit NANO hard, the price fell to €0,29 in March 2020. In hindsight an absolute steal! On August 23 NANO traded for €1,16, a 346% increase from March.
  • All altcoins saw a great rise in price at the start of 2021, NANO was no exception. On May 13 the crypto shot up to €13,31, its highest price since February 2018!

Only invest money you are prepared to lose

We advise customers to think thoroughly about the amount they want to invest. Only invest money you can lose without getting in trouble. NANO can be an interesting investment but there are no guarantees.