
This is the Alrogrand (ALGO) price chart. Zoom in and out on the graph if you’re interested to see the price of a specific period. (It’s a relatively new coin, so we guess it will be mainly zooming in.) The graph shows the period you’ve selected, as well as the highest and lowest price of that period.

24 hrs. Ago


The value of Algo 24 hours ago

24 hrs. High


The highest value of Algo over the past 24 hours

24 hrs. Low


The lowest value of Algo over the past 24 hours

24 hrs. Change


Here you can see how much the value of Algo has increased or decreased over the past 24 hours.

24 hrs. Volume


The amount of Algo transactions over the past 24 hours in euros. Only public exchanges are taken into account here.

Algo Market Cap


The value of all Algo on the market combined. This number is calculated by multiplying the number of Algorand in circulation with its current value.

Circulating supply


Circulating supply

ALGO Dominance


The share of Algo in the cryptocurrency market compared to all other coins

In the tables below you’ll see the Return On Investment of Algorand. The percentages indicate the yielded profit on an investment in ALGO.




1 week

1 month

1 year

Below you can see the price history of Algorand in euros. Looking for a specific date? You can adjust the range to any desired period:

Algorand Price History

Brief Overview of the ALGO Price

Algorand hasn’t been around for that long, but there were already some cool price developments. There were days with 20% increases, but also days with 10% drops. But hey, that’s crypto for you.

So what is Algorand and what is it they do? Algorand is a blockchain project, aimed at improving the decentralisation, scalability, and also security. Since 2019, the project has broadened and offers solutions for companies and projects that want to build scalable blockchains.

Algorand is founded by Silvio Micali, a Turing award winner and MIT professor. It is a blockchain protocol purely driven by proof-of-stake. Blocks are built within mere seconds, and it is supposedly completely safe as well.

A Brief Overview of the Algorand Price

  • On 21 June 2019, ALGO started trading on various crypto exchanges. The price? A rather optimistic amount of 2.62 euros.
  • For many, that was already a good moment to sell their coins, because on 25 June, an ALGO was traded for 1.15 euro.
  • Two months later, and one ALGO was worth a mere 0.45 euro.
  • For the next year, the coin was being traded for prices between 0.15 euro and 0.20 euro, until August 2020.
  • The entire crypto market found itself in an upward trend, which gave ALGO the opportunity to rise to 0.62 euro. The price actually started to increase already in May 2020, when it was made public that Algorand was done testing its network, meaning the network could be put into use.
  • Many traders declared their love to Algorand. And one day before Valentine's Day in 2021, ALGO reached a price of 1.40 euros.
  • Then things moved quickly, the price dropped over 40% and the price was suddenly at 0.80 euros. 
  • But those who sold then missed out on the big hit, Algorand hit the high of 1.47 euros on April 17 2021 (not counting the introductory price).

Algorand has set a goal for itself, to solve the three most important issues that blockchains are facing today, also known as the blockchain trilemma:

  1. Security
  2. Scalability
  3. Decentralisation
On the network of Algorand, blocks are constructed in two phases through lotteries known as ‘cryptographic sorting’, which enables fast processing.
The Algorand foundation will inject tokens into the system through a series of Dutch auctions. The reimbursement programme allows auction buyers to sell back their tokens to the Algorand Foundation. The buy-back programme acts as a mechanism to reduce the total supply in the case that the demand is falling.

Only Invest an Amount That You Are Prepared to Lose

We recommend you to carefully consider the amount you want to invest. Only invest money you’re able to lose without getting in financial trouble. Investing in Algorand may be an interesting opportunity, but it comes with no guarantees.