24 hours
NANO = €0.81780800

Trusted by more than one million traders.

We accept

Bank Transfer
Europe’s favourite crypto platform

Europe’s favourite crypto platform

Trading Nano made safe and simple. Ever since 2013.

Buy Nano

Buy Nano

Safely and quickly in 3 steps


Sign up for free

Your first steps in the crypto world begin at BTC Direct. Create a free account and start trading today.

Your first steps in the crypto world begin at BTC Direct. Create a free account and start trading today.

To comply with legislation we ask you to identify yourself when registering. You can upload a picture of your passport, ID-card or driver's license during registration to complete this identification.

Trading safely

BTC Direct is listed in the crypto-register of the Dutch Central Bank. So you know for sure that you are trading with a trusted party.

Of course, we treat your data with the utmost care. Read here how we do that.


Add balance

Deposit euros into your account to add to your balance. Use it to buy your first Nano.

Deposit euros into your account to add to your balance. Use it to buy your first Nano. With creditcard, bank transfer or any other payment method? You decide how you pay.

Your first deposit

When you deposit money with a bank account for the first time we check whether the account is in your name. Everything ok? You will receive your balance in your portfolio.


Buy Nano

New account and filled up your balance? Receive your first coins in a nanosecond.

New account and filled up your balance? Receive your first coins in a nanosecond. Choose Nano in the overview and determine your ideal entry moment. Within a few clicks, you will have your NANO.

All-in price

The price you see includes all transaction fees. So you see immediately what you spend per nano. Fair and transparant.

Safety first!

Decide when you buy and sell coins, while we take care of the secure management of your coins. Access to your coins remains offline, out of reach of hackers.

Clear overview

Receive your coins in your personal portfolio. There you will find a useful overview of all your investments. Instantly overview of your total profit.

BTC Direct in the press

Business Insider
Business Insider

Buying and selling Bitcoin is easiest at an online cryptocurrency broker such as BTC Direct.


Fiat-to-Crypto Gateway BTC Direct Raises Almost $13M in Series A Funding.


BTC Direct, one of Europe’s leading cryptocurrency companies, has always strived to be on the forefront when it comes to complying with regulators.

The Block
The Block

Founded in 2013 as a crypto broker, the Netherlands-based BTC Direct also provides a fiat-to-crypto onramp gateway to exchanges and wallets providers.

About Us

Cryptocurrency starts at BTC Direct. We’ve been making crypto accessible for everyone since 2013. Buy, sell and manage your favourite coins. Receive the latest news and analyses and you’ll never miss out on the latest developments. Welcome!

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