Trusted by more than one million traders.
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Europe’s favourite crypto platform
Trading Algorand made safe and simple. Ever since 2013.

Buy Algorand
Safely and quickly in 3 steps
Register a free account
Your first steps in the world of crypto start at BTC Direct. Start trading today by signing up for free!
Your first steps in the world of crypto start at BTC Direct. Start trading today by signing up for free!
To comply with the current legislation, we ask you to verify yourself. This can be done by uploading a picture of your passport, ID document or driver's license.
Secure trading
BTC Direct is registered in the Dutch Central Banks crypto-register. So you can know for sure you are trading on a secure and trustworthy platform.
We handle all your personal details securely. You can read more about the process here.
Top up your balance
Top op your balance and start buying your first ALGO.
Top op your balance and start buying your first ALGO. Tip: Choose credit card, bank transfer or another available payment method you like to start trading immediately.
Your first deposit
When you deposit money with a bankaccount for the first time we check whether the account is in your name. This can cause a delay on the deposit. After this is completed you can start trading!
Buy Algorand
Created your account and deposited the funds? Then you are only a few clicks away from your very first ALGO.
Created your account and deposited the funds? Then you are only a few clicks away from your very first ALGO.Go to the overview and select Algorand. Is it a good moment to buy? Choose the amount you want to buy and you will receive your ALGO almost immediately.
All-in price
We show you an all-inclusive price, this is including our transaction fees. This way you clearly shown how much your ALGO costs. Fair and transparent.
Secure storage
You decide when to buy and sell, we take care of the storage and safe keeping of all your coins. The storage for your coins stays offline. This way no one can access your coins, except for you.
Clear overview
Check your entire portfolio in one place and see the returns on all of your crypto's.
BTC Direct in the press
About Us
Cryptocurrency starts at BTC Direct. We’ve been making crypto accessible for everyone since 2013. Buy, sell and manage your favourite coins. Receive the latest news and analyses and you’ll never miss out on the latest developments. Welcome!
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