24 hours

Zoom in or out to see how the market rate developed in a specific time period. You can do this by clicking on the beginning or the end of a period and then respectively dragging to the right or left. The graph will then zoom in on the time period you’ve highlighted. Rather see the dollar chart? Then click the slider to switch from EUR to USD.

24h ago


Price of ADA compared to 24h ago

Highest price in 24h


Highest price of ADA in 24h

Lowest price in 24h


Lowest price of ADA in 24h



Did the price of ADA increase or decrease

24h volume


Culmination of all ADA transactions in the last 24 hours. Data compiled from public exchanges only

ADA Market Cap


Total value of all ADA. Calculated by multiplying all ADA in circulation with the current market value

ADA in circulation


ADA in circulation

ADA Dominance


What's the market share of ADA on the entire crypto market?

In the tables below you’ll see the ‘Return On Investment’ of Cardano. The percentages show the amount of return an investment in Cardano (ADA) would’ve yielded.




1 month

1 year


2 years

Below you’ll see the historic price of Cardano in euros. Looking for a specific timeframe? You can adjust the range to any desired period:

Cardano Price History

What is Cardano?

Cardano is founded by Charles Hoskinson, who happens to be one of the co-founders of Ethereum as well. In 2015, Hoskinson started IOHK (Input Output Hong Kong) together with Jeremy Wood. IOHK is a research and development center that specialises in the use of the peer-to-peer innovations of blockchain, in order to provide accessible financial services. They are contracted to build, design, and maintain Cardano until 2020.

Cardano is the world’s first peer-reviewed blockchain. The nonprofit organization that is responsible for Cardano has established a network of academics and scientists of various universities to review the protocols before they are released. Amongst these universities are the University of Edinburgh and the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

The platform of Cardano consists of two layers. The Cardano Settlement Layer (CSL) is used to carry out transactions that use ADA, Cardano’s cryptocurrency. The Control Layer, which is currently being developed, will be used for smart contracts. The hierarchical structure of Cardano makes sure that it can be used as a medium to exchange as well as generate smart contracts. In addition, the platform has the ambition to be used in a broader sense, for the regular financial ecosystem as well.

The heart of Cardano’s platform is Ouroboros, an algorithm that uses the Proof of Stake protocol to mine ADA. The protocol is adjusted to reduce both the energy consumption as well as the time needed to mine new coins.

The Cardano team wants to uphold certain principles and philosophies. That is why they didn’t start with a detailed roadmap or an extensive whitepaper. Instead, they are embracing a selection of design principles, engineering best practices, and ways for adaptation.

Only Invest an Amount That You Are Prepared to Lose

We always advise to carefully consider the amount you’d like to invest. Only invest funds that you can lose without getting into trouble. Investing in Cardano has much potential, but doesn’t come with guarantees.