
Above you can see the price movements of Chainlink (LINK), the best performing cryptocurrency of 2019 and the beginning of 2020. That is quite an achievement, since LINK is not very old yet. Would you like to know how much the LINK price has risen today? Or are you timing the perfect moment to buy? Adjust the price chart however you like.

Follow the Chainlink Price in Real Time

Unlike a stock exchange, a cryptocurrency such as Chainlink always has a price. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Below you can see the statistics of LINK:

24 hrs. Ago


The value of LINK 24 hours ago

24 hrs. High


The highest value of LINK over the past 24 hours

24 hrs. Low


The lowest value of LINK over the past 24 hours

24 hrs. Change


Here you can see how much the value of LINK has increased or decreased over the past 24 hours.

24 hrs. Volume


The amount of LINK transactions over the past 24 hours in euros. Only public exchanges are taken into account here.

LINK Market Cap


The value of all LINK on the market combined. This number is calculated by multiplying the number of LINK in circulation with its current value.

Circulation Supply


Circulation Supply

LINK Dominance


The share of LINK in the cryptocurrency market compared to all other coins

The price of Chainlink's coin is determined at online international exchanges. This is where buyers and sellers come together to trade in LINK. Is the exchange rate decreasing? Then there is more supply than demand. But if the price rises, there is more demand than supply! It's actually quite simple.

Chainlink ROI

6 months

1 year


2 years

In the table above you see the 'Return On Investment' of Chainlink. The percentages indicate the yielded return if you made an investment in LINK, measured from three different moments in time.

Below you can see the price history of Chainlink in euros. Looking for a specific date? You can fill in the range according to your wishes:

Historical price Chainlink

History of the Chainlink Price

Chainlink only exists since 2017, but the way its price developed already caused a lot of excitement within the crypto community.

There were weekends where you’d be baking in the sun and still had to jump up out of pure joy! Chainlink gained another 100% over the weekend or 70% on certain days. But how did this happen? What makes Chainlink so special?

In short, the company Chainlink ensures that current, dynamic data can be loaded into blockchains. Previously, a smart contract could only process static data from what was already present on the blockchain. In other words, only information about cryptocurrency.

Through the software of Chainlink, so-called oracles, smart contracts can also process dynamic data from outside the blockchain. Think of financial data of various stock markets or crypto markets, these can be loaded into smart contracts that run on blockchains. Chainlink also makes it possible to use that data to carry out an action outside of the blockchain.

The price of Chainlink changes 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. It’s always open and available.

The Chainlink Price in a Nutshell

  • In September 2017, the coin LINK was introduced to the free market. Back then, one LINK cost 0.17 euro. A bargain, so it would seem, and still only the first FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) moment.
  • Those were good times, the entire crypto market was in the middle of a bull market. LINK profited from this situation and reached an all-time high of 1.08 euro on 8 January 2018. Even though this means an almost tenfold increase, this is only the second FOMO moment...
  • Shortly thereafter the entire market crashed. Not only Chainlink, but virtually every other coin went down in worth. On 7 February, the price was just 0.38 euro, only to plunge down even further to a low point of 0.18 euro in June 2018. This was the ultimate FOMO moment.
  • In retrospect, this was the second chance to buy LINK at such a low price. The entire crypto market plunged further down, except for Chainlink. Within six months the rate was already back up at 0.50 euro. Again, just another FOMO moment.
  • From that moment on, things really started taking off. In May 2019, LINK was being traded for 1.20 euro. Within a month it turned out that even Google was using the oracles of Chainlink. FOMO!!!
  • Consequence: before the end of June 2019, LINK was worth 3.62 euros!
  • The remainder of the year the rate went up and down, but if you look at the bigger picture, then you’ll see that no coin performed as well as LINK in 2019. Just try to think of a coin that surpassed its all-time high of late 2017/start of 2018; there aren’t that many!

What Determines the Value of Chainlink?

In principle, the value of everything is determined by simple supply and demand. The demand of Chainlink is not only determined by the free market, but also by all the partnerships they enter.

Each company that makes use of the oracles of Chainlink has to hold a great number of LINK. These are necessary to run nodes. Each announcement of a new partnership is received with open arms, because that often leads to an increasing price. Even collaborations with small blockchain teams lead to much excitement.

That is also the reason why these collaborations aren’t announced until an actual product has been built. When that time has come, everyone is kept up to date through the official communication channels of Chainlink.

An example: ICON (a top 100 coin) was looking for a solution to integrate dynamic data in their blockchain. Eventually they chose Chainlink, and on the day of that announcement, both coins gained 10%.

Not to mention what the collaborations with SWIFT, Google, and Oracle have done with the price in the past. FOMO.

At the moment the price is mainly driven by new announcements of collaborations. This trick will probably continue to work for some time, but eventually the value has to be determined by the use of the actual LINK coins by companies like Google.

Also good to know, LINK has a secret weapon: everyone must be able to run a node, so from [date unknown, yes really], staking will be made possible. And then we can expect fireworks once again.

Only Invest an Amount That You Are Prepared to Lose

Despite all the praise of LINK, investing can also be hell. It remains cryptocurrency, so do research if you want to invest, and only buy if you are sure of your business. Coins like Chainlink can increase in value considerably, but you can also lose (part of) your investment.