
Zoom in on the chart above to see the price developments of a certain period. Then click on the beginning or end of that period, and drag to the right or to the left. The chart shows your selected period and shows the highest and lowest values.

Follow the current Dash price

The price of dash changes every moment, every day of the year. So also outside office hours and on weekends and holidays. Crypto exchanges do not close, which is why there is no open or closing price.

24 hrs. Ago


The value of Dash 24 hours ago

24 hrs. High


The highest value of Dash over the past 24 hours

24 hrs. Low


The lowest value of Dash over the past 24 hours

24 hrs. Change


Here you can see how much the value of Dash has increased or decreased over the past 24 hours.

24 hrs. Volume


The amount of Dash transactions over the past 24 hours in euros. Only public exchanges are taken into account here.

Dash Market Cap


The value of all Dash on the market combined. This number is calculated by multiplying the number of Dash in circulation with its current value.

Circulating supply


Circulating supply

DASH Dominance


The share of Dash in the cryptocurrency market compared to all other coins

Buyers and sellers find each other on international, online exchanges. Supply and demand determine the price there. Is demand higher than supply? Then the price rises. A decreasing price means that demand is lower than supply.

Dash ROI



1 year


3 years


5 years


In the table above you can see the 'Return On Investment' of dash. The percentages indicate the profit you would have made with an investment in the coin DASH, measured from three different points in time.

Dash Price History

History of Dash and Its Price

Dash began as a split from bitcoin in 2014. In the beginning dash was known as Xcoin, and later as darkcoin. Since 2015, the crypto coin is called Dash, derived from Digital Cash.

Dash provides a platform for lightning fast digital payments with minimal transaction costs. According to the website of dash, a transaction only takes one second. More than 4,800 stores worldwide accept dash as a payment method.

A special thing about dash is that it is used in places that you wouldn’t expect. According to the German newspaper Der Spiegel, the coin is widely used in Venezuela, where the citizens suffer from the hyperinflation of the Venezuelan bolivar. Dash offers a trustworthy and valuable alternative for many Venezuelans.

  • Dash began in January 2014. On Valentine’s day the coin had a value of 0.23 euro.
  • On the 17th of February, the value of dash exceeded 1 euro for the first time.
  • In a period of three months the price increased more than tenfold.
  • But as quickly as it went up, it went back down again. In August, dash was valued at 1.39 euro.
  • It took another two years before dash reached its old all-time high of 13 euros.
  • We fast-forward in time. At the end of 2017, Dash had a value of 1,390 euros! This is a hundredfold increase compared to May 2014.
  • At the beginning of January 2020, the exchange rate rose from 36 euros to 124 euros. A growth of 244 percent!
  • The corona crash also hit Dash, the stock price dropped to 29.07 euros in March that year. 
  • In retrospect, that was the perfect time to buy. Dash shot up and reached a value of a whopping 421 euros on May 7, 2021. 

Only invest an amount that you can afford to lose

Last but not least, we always recommend investing an amount of money that you can afford to lose. In our opinion, investing in cryptocurrencies is one of the most interesting investments you can make, but at the same time it can be risky due to its volatile behaviour.