24 hours

The beautiful graph above shows the price chart of QTUM. Want to zoom in or out? Just click and drag the mouse over the period you want to see and the chart will show you the course and the highest and lowest point during the selected period. There is not a lot to zoom out into however, as the coin only started in 2017.

24 hrs. Ago


The value of QTUM 24 hours ago

24 hrs. High


The highest value of QTUM over the past 24 hours

24 hrs. Low


The lowest value of QTUM over the past 24 hours

24 hrs. Change


Here you can see how much the value of QTUM has increased or decreased over the past 24 hours.

24 hrs. Volume


The amount of QTUM transactions over the past 24 hours in euros. Only public exchanges are taken into account here.

QTUM Market Cap


The value of all QTUM on the market combined. This number is calculated by multiplying the number of QTUM in circulation with its current value.

Circulating Supply


Circulating Supply

QTUM Dominance


The share of QTUM in the cryptocurrency market compared to all other coins

In the table below you can see the Return On Investment for the QTUM coin. The percentages shown show the yield of an investment in QTUM.




1 week

1 month

1 year

Looking for QTUMs historical price? This you can find below.

QTUMs historical price.

The QTUM project is a combination of Bitcoin and Ethereum. That's what the technology shows atleast. The UTXO-transactionmodel of Bitcoin is combined with the Proof of Stake based smart contract platform, like Ethereum uses.

The main demographic for the coin are companies, QTUM wants to build a reliable and trustworthy blockchainplatform for companies. Aspirations are high, but with Bitcoin and Ethereum as benchmarks, the QTUM price does not (yet) come close to the other two.

QTUMs Highlights

  • The launchdate of QTUM was timed perfectly. The project launched in 2017 and rose very quickly starting in Decembre. The price went 10X in a single month en reached €84,00 per coin. Still the highest price the coin has ever traded for.
  • The next year was less spectacular, not just for QTUM, but for the entire cryptomarket.
  • In December 2018, the QTUM price had sank to an incredible low of €1,28. This was the same time Bitcoin reached its lowest point of the year as well.
  • QTUMs price picked up in 2019. By the end of June, the coin was trading at €5,21!
  • 2020 started of good, full of hope, optimism, and ... naivety. The coronavirus caused the markets to crash in March 2020 and QTUM was no exception. The price fell to €0,72, in hindsight an absolute steal. Within half a year, on August 20, QTUM reached a price of €4,53.
  • The party really got going in January 2021. The prices of all altcoins shot up in the first months of the year. QTUM reached a price of €28,29 on May 7, its highest price since January 2018!

Only invest money you are prepared to lose

We advise customers to think thoroughly about the amount they want to invest. Only invest money you can lose without getting in trouble. QTUM can be an interesting investment but there are no guarantees.