OMG Network
24 hours

In the graph above you can see the price chart of OMG. You can zoom in or out if you want to see a specific period in more detail. With NANO it's mostly zooming in, as it is a fairly young coin. The graph will show the selected period and the highest and lowest point during that period.

24 hrs. Ago


The value of OMG Network 24 hours ago

24 hrs. High


The highest value of OMG over the past 24 hours

24 hrs. Low


The lowest value of OMG Network over the past 24 hours

24 hrs. Change


Here you can see how much the value of OMG Network has increased or decreased over the past 24 hours.

24 hrs. Volume


The amount of OMG Network transactions over the past 24 hours in euros. Only public exchanges are taken into account here.

OMG Market Cap


The value of all OMG Network on the market combined. This number is calculated by multiplying the number of bitcoins in circulation with its current value.

Circulating Supply


Circulating Supply

OMG Dominance


The share of OMG Network in the cryptocurrency market compared to all other coins

In the table below you can see the Return On Investment for the OMG coin. The percentages show the yield of a OMG investment.



OMG Network

1 week

1 month

1 year

Looking for the historical prices of the OMG Network for a specific date? You can find it below.

Historical OMG Network price

OMG Network is a project that is meant to make the Ethereum blockchain faster and more scalable. Think of faster payments and banking and finances on the Ethereum network. These are very progressive developments, especially considering the fact that Ethereum itself is gaining more and more users. Just as with Ethereum the OMG price changes 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Perfect for those restless nights.

OMG Network: A Short History

  • OMG wasn't always called OMG, in July 2017 the network was launched as OmiseGO. Back then worth merely €0,27.
  • The coin got insanely popular and took its fair share of the bullmarket. The price kept growing and in Septembre it sat at €10,99, an increase of 3.975%!
  • But that wasn't even the end of it, on Januari 8 2018 OMG reached its all time high at an astonishing €23,95. Thats quite an increase from the start price only six months earlier at launch.
  • But then the good times came to an end, the same as the entire crypto market. OMG kept sinking and reached its lowest point in March 2020. Due to the panic selling caused by the coronavirus the coin lowered to €0,35.
  • But something that falls so quickly, often also rises quickly. Within a couple of months the price of OMG shot up to €5,77, an increase of 1.548%.
  • This would have been a good time to sell, the following months the price went down again. On Christmas eve you could have bought OMG for a mere €1,93.
  • In hindsight a great deal, the next year ushered in a new alt-season. In ups and downs the OMG price shot up to €12,31 on May 7 2021. Its highest price since May 2018!

Only invest what you can afford to lose

We advise customers to thoroughly think about investments. Only invest money you can lose without getting in financial problems. OMG can be very interesting, but offers no guarantees.