Stellar wants to make international payments faster and easier. The company doesn't focus on banks or payment providers, but on the ‘unbanked’. These are people without a bank account. Does this strategy work?

In this article, we'll look at the long-term projections for the token XLM. What are the projections for 2022 until 2025?

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24 hours

Short-term expectations

Is now a good time to buy XLM? Below we give you the short-term projections of Tradingview:





Stellar price prediction for the next few years

What do we expect the next few years? Below you can read the long-term projections of cryptocurrency analysis agency Coinpriceforecast.

Stellar price prediction 2022

Next year, XLM will keep crawling upwards. According to analysts, Stellar will close the year with a value of € 0.42.

Stellar forecast between 2023 and 2025

After that, things will really start to heat up. In the years after, XLM will set its sights on the magical barrier of € 1. By the end of 2025, XLM is worth nearly € 0.90.

Year June December % compared to the start of 2021
2022   € 0,42 298%
2023 € 0,51 € 0,60 469%
2024 € 0,69 € 0,73 593%
2025 € 0,81 € 0,89 745%
2026 € 0,96 € 1,02 868%
2027 € 0,94 € 1,00 849%
2028 € 1,04 € 1,10 944%
2029 € 1,16 € 1,22 1.058%
2030 € 1,25 € 1,31 1.144%
2031 € 1,37 € 1,43 1.258%
2032 € 1,25 € 1,30 1.134%
2033 € 1,35 € 1,40 1.229%

Historical price analysis of Stellar


Stellar marketed XLM by means of an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). This is like crowdfunding for crypto projects, where you as an investor can be one of the first owners of a new coin or token.

On 15 September 2014, shortly after the ICO, XLM was worth € 0.0025. A few months later, XLM reached its lowest value thus far. You could buy a Stellar coin for no more than € 0.0010.


The price fluctuated for a while, but this changed after the spring of 2017. In May, XLM shot up towards € 0.0085. Not long after that, XLM reached a new all-time high of $ 0.042. After that, XLM stabilised for some time.

The rest of that year should be viewed within the context of the larger bull run. Bitcoin broke through the 10,000-dollar barrier. Altcoins tagged along, and some days some coins saw more than a 50 % increase in no more than a day's time.

By November, XLM was worth only € 0.02. And by the end of the year? Almost € 0.30, an increase of no less than 1,400 per cent.


At the start of January, XLM reached its highest point thus far, at $ 0.72. From that point on, things went downhill. The crypto market crashed, and by the end of the year, the price was € 0.08.


At the start of January, XLM reached its highest point thus far, at € 0.72. From that point on, things went downhill. The crypto market crashed, and by the end of the year, the price was € 0.08.

The year after that was an emotional rollercoaster for the XLM investor. Stellar started the year with a value of € 0.08, but the exchange rate soon dropped to € 0.06 in February.

After that, XLM rose sharply, to a price of € 0.11 in April. From that point on, the price rose again and in May XLM had made full circle, retreating to the value of € 0.08. That would have been a nice time to buy the dip, because then the price rose to nearly € 0.13.

That was the highest point of the rollercoaster for that year. Then came the freefall. Stellar closed the year at a price of € 0.04.


Back when Corona was still just a beer brand and you could just go to work with a runny nose, XLM managed to reach an exchange rate of € 0.08.

But then the Coronavirus hit. The pandemic had an impact on all financial markets and the crypto market was also dealt heavy blows. Stellar dropped to a depth of € 0.02.

Then it recovered somewhat, seeing an increase to nearly € 0.10 in August. Then the exchange rate dropped again, this time to € 0.06.

In the meantime, founder Jed McCaleb announced a partnership with 30 banks and other enterprises. Mobius, Hashcash and SatoshiPay are among several which are using Stellar's technology.

From November, things really took off. Peaking at € 0.17, Stellar reached the highest price it had attained in two years. Stellar closed this turbulent year with a price of around € 0.10.

Stellar ROI



1 year


3 years


5 years


Will Stellar rise in 2022 - 2025 ?

Prefer to watch a video? Check the projections for Stellar for the next few years here.

Invest wisely

Stellar is a promising coin, but be mindful that the crypto market is very volatile. That's why you should never invest more than you're prepared to lose. We also recommend you do your own research as well. On our news site, you can read the latest news on Stellar. Good luck!